JSON Documentation


Do not submit copyrighted information in these fields!

Submission JSON

To submit a listen via our API (see: Core), POST a JSON document to the submit-listens endpoint. Submit one of three types of JSON documents:

  • single: Submit single listen

    • Indicates user just finished listening to track

    • payload should contain information about exactly one track

  • playing_now: Submit playing_now notification

    • Indicates that user just began listening to track

    • payload should contain information about exactly one track

    • Submitting playing_now documents is optional

    • Timestamp must be omitted from a playing_now submission


Playing Now listens are only stored temporarily. A playing now listen must be submitted again as a single or import for permanent storage.

  • import: Submit previously saved listens

    • payload should contain information about at least one track

    • Submitting multiple listens in one request is permitted. There are some limitations on the size of a submission. A request must be less than MAX_LISTEN_PAYLOAD_SIZE bytes, and you can only submit up to MAX_LISTENS_PER_REQUEST listens per request. Each listen may not exceed MAX_LISTEN_SIZE bytes in size

The listen_type element defines different types of submissions. The element is placed at the top-most level of the JSON document. The only other required element is the payload element. This provides an array of listens – the payload may be one or more listens (as designated by listen_type):

  "listen_type": "single",
  "payload": [
      "--- listen data here ---"

A sample listen payload may look like:

  "listened_at": 1443521965,
  "track_metadata": {
    "additional_info": {
      "release_mbid": "bf9e91ea-8029-4a04-a26a-224e00a83266",
      "artist_mbids": [
      "recording_mbid": "98255a8c-017a-4bc7-8dd6-1fa36124572b",
      "tags": [ "you", "just", "got", "rick rolled!"]
    "artist_name": "Rick Astley",
    "track_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up",
    "release_name": "Whenever you need somebody"

A complete submit listen JSON document may look like:

  "listen_type": "single",
  "payload": [
      "listened_at": 1443521965,
      "track_metadata": {
        "additional_info": {
          "media_player": "Rhythmbox",
          "submission_client": "Rhythmbox ListenBrainz Plugin",
          "submission_client_version": "1.0",
          "release_mbid": "bf9e91ea-8029-4a04-a26a-224e00a83266",
          "artist_mbids": [
          "recording_mbid": "98255a8c-017a-4bc7-8dd6-1fa36124572b",
          "tags": [ "you", "just", "got", "rick rolled!"],
          "duration_ms": 222000
        "artist_name": "Rick Astley",
        "track_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up",
        "release_name": "Whenever you need somebody"

Fetching listen JSON

The JSON documents returned from our API look like the following:

  "payload": {
    "count": 25,
    "user_id": "-- the MusicBrainz ID of the user --",
    "listens": [
      "-- listen data here ---"

The number of listens in the document are returned by the top-level count element. The user_id element contains the MusicBrainz ID of the user whose listens are being returned. The other element is the listens element. This is a list which contains the listen JSON elements (described above).

The JSON document returned by the API endpoint for getting tracks being played right now is the same as above, except that it also contains the payload/playing_now element as a boolean set to True.

Payload JSON details

A minimal payload must include track_metadata/artist_name and track_metadata/track_name elements:

  "track_metadata": {
    "artist_name": "Rick Astley",
    "track_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up",

artist_name and track_name elements must be simple strings.

The payload should also include the listened_at element, which must be an integer representing the Unix time when the track was listened to. This should be set to playback start time of the submitted track. The minimum accepted value for this field is LISTEN_MINIMUM_TS. playing_now requests should not have a listened_at field.

Add additional metadata you may have for a track to the additional_info element. Any additional information allows us to better correlate your listen data to existing MusicBrainz-based data. If you have MusicBrainz IDs available, submit them!

The following optional elements may also be included in the track_metadata element:


data type




The name of the release this recording was played from.

The following optional elements may also be included in the additional_info element.


If you do not have the data for any of the following fields, omit the key entirely:

Additional Info Fields


data type



array of strings

A list of MusicBrainz Artist IDs, one or more Artist IDs may be included here. If you have a complete MusicBrainz artist credit that contains multiple Artist IDs, include them all in this list.



A MusicBrainz Release Group ID of the release group this recording was played from.



A MusicBrainz Release ID of the release this recording was played from.



A MusicBrainz Recording ID of the recording that was played.



A MusicBrainz Track ID associated with the recording that was played.


array of strings

A list of MusicBrainz Work IDs that may be associated with this recording.



The tracknumber of the recording. This first recording on a release is tracknumber 1.



The ISRC code associated with the recording.



The Spotify track URL associated with this recording. e.g.: http://open.spotify.com/track/1rrgWMXGCGHru5bIRxGFV0


array of string

A list of user-defined folksonomy tags to be associated with this recording. For example, you can apply tags such as punk, see-live, smelly. You may submit up to MAX_TAGS_PER_LISTEN tags and each tag may be up to MAX_TAG_SIZE characters large.



The name of the program being used to listen to music. Don’t include a version number here.



The version of the program being used to listen to music.



The name of the client that is being used to submit listens to ListenBrainz. If the media player has the ability to submit listens built-in then this value may be the same as media_player. Don’t include a version number here.



The version of the submission client.



If the song being listened to comes from an online service, the canonical domain of this service (see below for more details).



If the song being listened to comes from an online service and you don’t know the canonical domain, a name that represents the service.



If the song of this listen comes from an online source, the URL to the place where it is available. This could be a spotify URL (see spotify_id), a YouTube video URL, a Soundcloud recording page URL, or the full URL to a public MP3 file. If there is a webpage for this song (e.g. Youtube page, Soundcloud page) do not try and resolve the URL to an actual audio resource.

duration_ms and duration


The duration of the track in milliseconds and seconds respectively. You should only include one of duration_ms or duration.


Music service names

The music_service field should be a domain name rather than a textual description or URL. This allows us to refer unambiguously to a service without worrying about capitalization or full/short names (such as the difference between “Internet Archive”, “The Internet Archive” or “Archive”). If we use this data on ListenBrainz, we will perform a mapping from the domain name to a canonical name. Below is an example of mappings that we currently support. If you are submitting from a service which doesn’t appear in this list, you should determine a canonical domain from the domain of the service. Only if you cannot determine a domain for the service should you use the text-only music_service_name field.

Music services domain/name mapping










YouTube Music






Apple Music


Internet Archive




Jamendo Music


Google Play Music

Client Metadata examples

Here are a few examples of how to fill in the media_player, submission_client and music_service fields based on our current recommendations.

BrainzPlayer on the ListenBrainz website playing a video from YouTube

  "track_metadata": {
      "additional_info": {
          "media_player": "BrainzPlayer",
          "music_service": "youtube.com",
          "origin_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKFBiaoFHoY",
          "submission_client": "BrainzPlayer"
      "artist_name": "Mdou Moctar",
      "release_name": "Ilana (The Creator)",
      "track_name": "Inizgam"

BrainzPlayer on the ListenBrainz website playing a video from Spotify

Note that even though the origin_url is https://open.spotify.com, we set music_service to spotify.com (see above note).

  "track_metadata": {
      "additional_info": {
          "media_player": "BrainzPlayer",
          "music_service": "spotify.com",
          "origin_url": "https://open.spotify.com/track/5fEjp2F0Sqr9fMuLSaDqz0",
          "submission_client": "BrainzPlayer"
      "artist_name": "Les Filles de Illighadad",
      "release_name": "Eghass Malan",
      "track_name": "Inssegh Inssegh"

Using Otter for Funkwhale on Android, and submitting with Simple Scrobbler

In this case, the media player and submission client are completely separate programs. Because music is being played from a user’s private collection and not a streaming service, don’t include music_service or origin_url.

  "track_metadata": {
      "additional_info": {
          "media_player": "Otter",
          "media_player_version": "1.0.21",
          "submission_client": "Simple Scrobbler"
          "submission_client_version": "1.7.0"
      "artist_name": "Les Filles de Illighadad",
      "release_name": "Eghass Malan",
      "track_name": "Inssegh Inssegh"

Rhythmbox player listening to Jamendo

  "track_metadata": {
      "additional_info": {
          "media_player": "Rhythmbox",
          "music_service": "jamendo.com",
          "music_service_name": "Jamendo Music"
          "origin_url": "https://www.jamendo.com/track/1466090/universal-funk",
          "submission_client": "Rhythmbox ListenBrainz Plugin"
      "artist_name": "Duo Teslar",
      "track_name": "Universal Funk"

Listening to a recording from Bandcamp and submitting with the browser extension WebScrobbler

Because playback happens in the browser, there is no specific media_player.

      "track_metadata": {
              "additional_info": {
                      "music_service": "bandcamp.com",
                      "music_service_name": "Bandcamp",
                      "submission_client": "WebScrobbler",
                      "submission_client_version": "v2.48.0"
                      "origin_url": "https://greencookierecords.bandcamp.com/track/shake",
              "artist_name": "I Mitomani Beat",
              "release_name": "Fuori Dal Tempo",
              "track_name": "Shake",

At this point, we are not removing any other elements that may be submitted via the additional_info element. We’re open to see how people will make use of these unspecified fields and may decide to formally specify or scrub elements in the future.