ListenBrainz API

All endpoints have this root URL for our current production site.

  • API Root URL:


All ListenBrainz services are only available on HTTPS!


ListenBrainz makes use of private API keys called user tokens to authenticate requests and ensure the proper access controls on user data. A user token is a unique alphanumeric string linked to a user account. To retrieve your user token, follow this guide.

Get the User token

Every account has a User token associated with it, to get the token:

  1. Sign up or Log in your an account using this link.

  2. Navigate to settings page to find your user Token (See image below for reference).

Screenshot showing the user settings.
  1. Copy the User Token to your clipboard.


You may also reset your user token by clicking the Reset token button on the settings page.

Add the User token to your requests

The user token must be included in the request header for its usage. To format the header correctly, you can use the following piece of code:

# The following token must be valid, but it doesn't have to be the token of the user you're
# trying to get the listen history of.
  "Authorization": "Token {0}".format(TOKEN)

Then include the formatted header in the request to use it.

  response = requests.get(
    # Your request url and params go here.


A complete usage example for a request employing Authorization headers to make authenticated requests to ListenBrainz can be found on the API Usage page.


Rate limiting

The ListenBrainz API is rate limited via the use of rate limiting headers that are sent as part of the HTTP response headers. Each call will include the following headers:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit: Number of requests allowed in given time window

  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: Number of requests remaining in current time window

  • X-RateLimit-Reset-In: Number of seconds when current time window expires (recommended: this header is resilient against clients with incorrect clocks)

  • X-RateLimit-Reset: UNIX epoch number of seconds (without timezone) when current time window expires [1]

Rate limiting is automatic and the client must use these headers to determine the rate to make API calls. If the client exceeds the number of requests allowed, the server will respond with error code 429: Too Many Requests. Requests that provide the Authorization header with a valid user token may receive higher rate limits than those without valid user tokens.